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Wes Gama, 34 years old. He is a self-taught urban artist, born in the city of Uruaçu in the interior of the State of Goiás. He began his career on the streets of the capital Goiânia in 2000 through pixação and bombing. Over the years, he developed his own aesthetic and identity, creating murals with saturated colors, striking lines, representing a fusion between nature and human beings. His works are a mixture of technology and ancestry and are part of the concept that Gama defines as Caipira Futurista. Wes Gama is also featured as an illustrator and has already made projects for Greenpeace Brasil with the art “Amazon Alarm” 2020, Rec Beat Festival - Recife (PE), 2020, also created the visual identity for the Prosa Sonora project and the 17th Goiânia Mostra Curtas entre others.  



  • Urban Manifesto - Mural Andança (66 mx 12 m) - Goiânia, GO [ 2020 ]

  • Arte Core Festival - Mural “Without Privileges” - MAM - Rio de Janeiro [ 2019 ]

  • Festival Além da Rua - Mural “Carroceiros” in Fortaleza and mural “Vira Lata Caramelo” - Pecém (CE) [ 2019 ]

  • Boreal Festival - “The history of fire” group exhibition - Canary Islands, Spain [ 2019 ]

  • InArte Urbana - Artistic Residency - Org. Pixo Franco-Brazilian Association of Urban Art, Natal - RN [ 2019 ]

  • Boreal Festival - “A História do Fogo” group exhibition - Canary Islands, Spain, 2019.

  • Wes Gama is also featured as an illustrator and has already made projects for Greenpeace Brazil with the art “Amazon Alarm” 2020, Rec Beat Festival - Recife (PE), 2020, also created the visual identity for the Prosa Sonora project and the 17th Goiânia Short Shows.

  • InArte Urbana - Artistic Residency 2019 - Org. Pixo Franco-Brazilian Urban Art Association, Natal (RN).

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